DataViz Makeover 1

This blog consists of DataViz Makeover 1 for ISSS608: Visual Analytics!

Nikitha Banda

1.0 Critic of Visualization

1.1 Original Visualization

The original visualization is as below

1.2 Critic Clarity

1.3 Critic Aesthetic

2.0 Alternative Approach

2.1 Sketch

2.2 Clarity

2.3 Aesthetic

3.0 Proposed Visualization

The alternative proposed visualization can be viewed here on Tableau Public.

4.0 Static Tableau step-by-step description

Step 1: Select only the data table imports and paste into a new sheet using Microsoft Excel and save the file as “imports_clean”. Repeat the same for exports and save it into a new excel file called “exports_clean”

Step 2: Import “imports_clean” into Tableau and rename “Variables” to “Country”

Step 3: Use Tableau to select only the dates from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020

Step 4: Remove CNT in measured values

Step 5: Apply filter on Country by right clicking on the axis and selecting filter and select only the 6 countries

Step 6: View data in Tableau, export the data and save the file as “imports2019-20”

Step 7: Repeat step 2 to 6 for “exports_clean” and save it as “exports2019-20”

Step 8: Import the exported files into Tableau and pivot all the date columns and rename the pivoted columns into their suitable names. Then join the two files based on the shown relationship

Step 9: Put measured values in columns and country into rows and remove CNT from measured values

Step 10: Export the view data analysis and save it as “total.csv”

Step 11: Rearrange imports and exports such that they are side by side and apply below formula in excel to calculate the sum of imports and exports for each country. This step helps in finding the rank of each country

Step 12: Import the exported files into Tableau and pivot all the date columns and rename the pivoted columns into their suitable names and change the data type of year/month to date

Step 13: Merge exported csv files with the following relationships between ‘imports and exports’ and ‘total and exports’ as shown in the figure below

Step 14: Add year/month to columns and “country”, “exports” and “imports” to row

Step 15: By default the graphs are represented as scatter plot. Change the plot to bar and line for exports and imports respectively

Step 16: Formatting y-axis->

Step 17: Formatting x-axis->

Step 18: Now to rank the countries in descending order of their trade values, right click on country and select sort and sort the variable based on field name “Total” as shown below. Double click on the title to give the graph a valid name and rename the legend title to “Legend” instead of “Measure Names”

Step 19: Lastly, for better understanding of the information, edit the tool kit and the currency representation by editing exports and imports as below

The final graph now looks like:

5.0 Derived Insights

5.1 High Level Observations

Hong Kong is the only county with which Singapore has greater exports than imports. However, it is Japan that has lower total trading value than Hong Kong with Singapore. In contrast, the country that has the highest trading is China both in terms of total exports and total imports respectively.

5.2 Comparing with Covid19 Trend

Feb 2020 was the month with least exports and imports between China and Singapore. Also, it is notable that there is a steep drop in both exports and imports between China from Dec 2019 to Feb 2020. This could be explained by the first confirmed covid19 case in China.

ThinkChina, 2021

5.3 Observation during Circuit Breaker period

Another trend that is visible is when Singapore announced circuit breaker measures. It is visible from the graph below that there was significant drop in imports and exports during the months of March 2020 to May 2020 which was when circuit breaker was introduced.

Ministry of Trade and Industry, 2020